New Jersey
99 Grayrock Road, Suite 203 & 204, Clinton, NJ 08809

A platform to
introduce and enhance
relationships in

What we

Custom Networking

We helped to create a platform that allows a comprehensive look at tailored information that is important to each member such as their profile information, news feed, member leaderboard, upcoming events, the events calendar, social groups, and referral points


The platform allows its members to post to their own feed as well as keep track of social and breakfast groups, maintain connections and invite others to connect on the platform.

Steps “Sign up”

Create Account

While creating their profile, a user can define their membership and any current breakfast groups

Users will begin creating their accounts

Select Account Type

Complete Account

You're almost there!

Create Event

The “create event” section of the platform was designed to provide an easy to navigate and manage dashboard where members can upload details about upcoming events including date, time, location, details, images, and a link to where more information may be found. From within this screen the members can also navigate to other valuable sections of the platform such as the member directory where they can send networking requests to other peers.

Creating a platform that encourages like-minded business individuals to meet and connect is a great example of how we can help you create a platform of your own.

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