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We do accept guest posts and are always seeking talented contributors who specialize in digital marketing and technology topics.
Kindly note that our content followers an editorial calendar and has certain guidelines we follow. Please read more below:
brand architects
Digital Engineers
content developers

Be 100% original and not published on any other resources. We are going to run your copy through a plagiarism checker, so please make sure it is written as an original.
Contain at least 2,500 words in length or more!
Contain relevant appealing graphics, images, infographics, analytics, videos, etc.
Not be identical to any of the topics we have already written about.
Not to be an advertisement for a service, brand, or product nor self-serving promotional.
Cannot include links to any of our competitors.
Does Provide value to our readers.
Does provide highly detailed and technically specific information.
Offer actionable advice, step-by-step instructions, checklists, or code snippets.
Be well-researched and fully supported with numbers, metrics, and other statistical measurements of success. Also include not less than 10 links to reputable sources.
Include all images as separate attachments (at least eight images) f.ex. images, infographics, screenshots, technical illustrations, diagrams and charts, animated GIFs. If you use third-party images, don’t forget to provide the link to the original.
Include one do-follow link to your website and one link to your social media profile in your bio.
Perhaps use numbers or wordplay to make your title intriguing.
No need to make a long paragraph, keep them short - this will allow readers to stay entertained.
We prefer to keep sentences to the point.
The end of your post will be the last thing someone reads. Try to make it memorable and finish strong.