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Top 10 UI Monitoring Tools for Your B2B Website or eCommerce Platform

Socialfix Thought Leadership Contributor

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A website is the most important element for any e-commerce business. It affects customer interaction, sales, market outreach, leads to flexibility, etc. Therefore, website performance is crucial to a business’s success and so is monitoring it. 

But how do you keep an eye on your website all the time, while running your business efficiently? This is where UI monitoring tools come into the picture. They regularly perform tests on your website and even generate automated alerts when it is not functioning properly. 

Which Are the Right UI Monitoring Tools for Your B2B Website? 

When you go searching for the right monitoring tool, you may come across several options – uptime monitoring, transaction monitoring, paid tools, free tools, etc. – and deciding between them can be a bit overwhelming. To simplify things for you, we have compiled a list of the top 10 UI monitoring tools for your B2B website or e-commerce platform. So go ahead and make sure that your website’s performance is always up to the mark by using these efficient tools! 

 Top 10 UI Monitoring Tools For Your B2B Website

1. Uptime 

Uptime offers a variety of attractive services like SSL monitoring, malware scanning, round-the-clock customer support, etc. It focuses on reliability and ease of use and monitors the availability of your website across six continents at one-minute intervals. If there is any issue with your website performance, it alerts you via SMS, phone call, e-mail, etc. It offers all its customers a 21-day free trial to use its services and features and decide for themselves. Also, check out this page about Kafka streams

2. Sematext 

Sematext Cloud offers great management and monitoring solutions through real-user monitoring (RUM) solution, a Sematext Experience, and a synthetic monitoring tool, Synthetics. It is a widely popular tool amongst developers because it provides an elaborate report on website speed, website uptime, error rates, etc. It also tells you about your users’ experience and satisfaction. You can get it for free or even go for the premium plans that start at $19/month. 

3. Pingdom 

Pingdom is an affordable monitoring tool that alerts you when any of your applications malfunction or go down. It is user-friendly and provides SSL certificate monitoring and website monitoring. It even supports real-user monitoring, which means it keeps track of user visits and also collects helpful data from actual people to help in performance improvement and analysis. Purchase it today for only $15. 

4. Monitis 

Monitis is a paid software that checks your website every five minutes. It provides many features like uptime monitoring, server health, network performance, etc. While this tool may be slightly outdated, it still provides you with elaborate as well as accurate information about browser and platform performance, the geographical distribution of users, page load time, etc. Its prices start at $12/month. 

5. Checkly

Through the Playwright and Puppeteer frameworks, Checkly tends to simulate the users’ interaction with your eCommerce platform. It offers a Headless Recorder browser extension to aid you with writing scripts yourself. It runs this code every 10 minutes. Checkly is a paid tool that comes with a free trial. It has a very versatile alerting system that works through SMS, email, Slack, Pagerduty, etc., every time there is an error on your site. Its price can range from $7 to $499, depending on the number of SMS credits, API checks, etc. 

Tip: Hundreds of growing businesses use Socialfix to leverage successful UI & UX design and monitoring strategies and showcase their products and services. Try us for a free consultation 

6. Calibreapp 

Website monitoring with Calibreapp gives remarkable results. It provides a detailed report on your entire system and keeps you updated on any malfunctions that may occur, so you can prevent them. It offers other features like Core Web Vitals support, Insights Email Report, etc. Its price starts at $60/month but can go up depending upon the number of test profiles and the number of tests.

7. Host-tracker 

This tool helps in tracking server availability as well as transactions between a server and a client. It focuses on areas like page errors, database connection problems, and network issues. While this tool does not offer real user monitoring, it has other advantages like being easy to understand, having 60 test locations across the world, and using a bunch of different methods like SMS, Skype, Hangout, etc. to alert you about the website malfunctions. The starting price for Host-tracker is $14 per month but can go up to $99 per month.

8. Smartbear 

Smartbear is popular amongst large-scale organizations that wish to monitor every element and aspect of their websites. Apart from keeping a close check on your website’s performance, Smartbear also monitors your mobile applications, API status, and database health. It has around 340 testing nodes set up across the globe. The tool provides many features, like a list of resources and support materials, robust reporting and analysis, etc. Smartbear is available for a price range of $199 to $1999 per month.

9. Uptrends 

Uptrends has around 150 website monitoring locations in the world. In addition to monitoring websites, they also provide features like API monitoring, server monitoring, SSL certificate monitoring, etc. Their real-time user monitoring involves features like mobile website monitoring, third-party content monitoring, waterfall reports, etc. They offer several free tools to users, but they don’t have a free tier, which is why they provide a 30-day trial period to all users. The price of uptrends ranges between $16.69 and $72.33 per month.

10. Site24x7

Every time your website fails to load or resource, or has network issues, timeouts, etc., Site24x7 provides a detailed alert to you. In addition to a variety of impressive features, Site24x7 has an excellent support staff. Its alerting system works through email or SMS. It also supports numerous protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, REST, SMTP, FTP, etc., which is why it is quickly becoming the most desirable choice when it comes to resource monitoring.

How Socialfix Can Help With UI Monitoring 

At Socialfix, we provide affordable and reliable uptime monitoring services like SSL certificates, maintenance, and support, site performance analysis, software updates, etc. to ensure optimization of visitors for your website. 

We can help you build your online presence and reach your target audience, starting from the ground up! Look at Consilium Intelligence, an innovative HR tech startup that needed a 360-degree digital strategy to help them build and monitor an intelligence web product and Saas for the financial markets.

Through constructing a comprehensive branding identity, user-friendly design, and interface for their online platform, and thorough UI performance, Socialfix helped Consilium reach over 80,000 Hedge Fund and banking job candidates, ensuring the continued success of their platform.

To Wrap Up

Your website should be your top priority, especially when you’re running an eCommerce business. But spending hours upon hours on figuring out if your UI is performing at the right level is not ideal. Least of all when you’re trying to grow your influence on the marketplace. These 10 UI monitoring tools will help you automate and streamline the process, so you have all the time to develop your brand into a market leader.

What Is User Interface?

User interface (UI)is the space where human users interact with a computer, website or application. The goal of the UI is to make the user’s experience easy and intuitive. 

A well designed and efficient UI consists of layers of interaction that appeal to the human senses (touch, sight, auditory, etc.) and require minimum effort from the user to perform a given task. Those for example can be input devices like keyboards, a mouse, a trackpad, monitors, microphones and more. 

What Types of UI Are There?

UI can be subdivided into 4 main categories:

  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) is the most common type and includes interactions with a mouse, trackpad, or other peripheral to point and click on graphics or icons.
  • Touchscreen Graphical User Interface differs from the regular GUI by using touch (fingers) or stylus to select & perform tasks. Touchscreen GUIs are found on tablets, smartphones, and medical devices
  • A menu-driven interface allows you to perform a range of commands or options in the form of a list or menu displayed in full-screen, pop-up, pull-down, or drop-down.
  • Command Line Interface- is no longer a common UI in everyday consumer products. It requires users to type appropriate instructions into the command line.


What is a Website UI?

A website user interface is part of web design concerning the controls people use to interact with a website or app. Those include displays, menus,  gesture controls. 

The user interface is everything users come in contact with while interacting with your website-screens, touchscreens, sounds, lights, etc. 

Do I Need to Monitor My Website’s UI Performance?

Yes, you do need to monitor your website’s UI performance. This will give you an idea of how your website is performing and whether there are issues with it you should fix. UI helps you further improve your services and provide a seamless experience for your users. 

Why Is End-User Experience Important?

End-user experience (UX) is important because it demonstrates how much your brand values its users, and how important it considers their online experience with your website to be.  UX is influenced by how well your UI is designed and how well it runs, along with other factors like the relevance of content and the inherent trust in your brand. 


How Do I Monitor User Experience?

You can monitor user experience and how well your user interface is performing by using UI monitoring tools.

As a starter, you have to set a monitoring strategy and choose the tools you’re going to use. The right monitoring tools will help you visualize how customers interact with your website and show you the issues your users run into, so you can take steps towards fixing them.

The tools used in UI monitoring are called real user monitoring solutions, or RUM.

What Are RUM Tools?

RUM tools or real user monitoring tools help you collect and analyze data continuously.

They are tools that provide you with insights on essential information like geographic traffic, page response time, load time, and a detailed performance breakdown. The performance breakdown can include data on the performance of third-party applications, navigation paths, root cause analysis, and HTTP errors. 

What Is Kafka UI?

Kafka UI is a free, open-source web tool for Apache Kafka*, used for monitoring and managing Apache Kafka clusters**. 

What Apache Kafka essentially helps you do, is observe your data flows and find and troubleshoot issues. Its UI dashboard is lightweight and easy to use when tracking key performance metrics.

* Apache Kafka is an open-source software platform developed by the Apache Software Foundation written in Scala and Java. 

** A Kafka cluster consists of one or more servers (Kafka brokers) running Kafka.

Can UI Monitoring Tools Help Improve User Experience?

The UI monitoring tools are designed to track the status of critical IT applications, networks, infrastructures, and websites and are inherently built to help you ensure a smooth user experience. 

These tools can help you improve your website, and with that, the satisfaction of users browsing through your eCommerce store, for example. The happier your visitors are, the better chances you’ve got to convert them to buyers. 

Can Socialfix Help Me Monitor My Website’s UI?

Yes, we absolutely can! We’ve helped hundreds of businesses design, create and monitor websites that deliver exactly what target audiences expect and are happy with. 

Let us help you build a top user experience for your website as well. Get in touch today! 

Can Socialfix Help Me Build My B2B Website & Marketing Strategy?

Yes, we totally can! Check out a few of the projects we’ve worked on for our B2B clients and contact Socialfix we can’t wait to learn more about B2B website design needs! 

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