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Clearly Rated Video Marketing Enters a New Era After Partnering with Socialfix

The Socialfix Kickass Content Team

Written by The Socialfix Kickass Content Team

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“If you’re looking for some help from an agency to get you to the next level, and feel supported even as a small business with a lean budget, I would recommend Socialfix”. 

These words belong to Michelle Stute, the VP of Marketing for Clearly Rated- a  remarkable professional and an insightful marketer, who made our collaboration all the more enjoyable! 

Clearly Rated is a leading provider of net promoter-based satisfaction survey tools and expertise for professional firms. 

As an outstanding B2B service company that places client experience at the heart of their growth strategy, they were looking to partner with a digital agency that understands how to achieve comprehensive marketing results even under the constrictions of a tight budget.

So they turned to Socialfix, and as evident by Michelle’s words are happy with the results!

We helped create the video content that would boost their marketing strategy and place them in front of as many potential clients as possible. 

Our goal was to unveil Clearly Rated immense potential in a format that spoke to their audience directly and help them explain what was their business about, and what their brand stood for. 

We were more than happy to collaborate with Michelle on their goal to step up their messaging and positively engage more people in the process.

It’s collaborations like these- where we’ve done our best to understand our partners and provide them with the service that brings the impressive marketing results they are after, that makes us proud of what we do. 

And it’s not about the size of the business but the size of impact we manage to create with clients like Clearly Rated!

Their eagerness to collaborate, and their commitment to helping us understand their business and better address their video content needs, made all the difference. 

It further demonstrated that where there is a partnership there is a success! 

We’re also happy to have inspired them to implement a branding guide in building out their messaging.  And look forward to exchanging more professional knowledge and good practices!

The Socialfix team had a great time working with Clearly Rated on their video marketing content and we can’t wait to collaborate again!

Check out what other customers had to say about working with us here

If you too are looking for professional help to rise above your competitors with impeccable marketing strategy- reach out to us!

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What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing uses videos to advertise and sell your product or service. It can be used to increase engagement on social channels, educate users and potential customers, and reach audiences.

Video marketing is quickly becoming one of the most important and effective content forms on the internet. It’s the method of using videos to promote a brand, product, or service in marketing campaigns. 

Is Video Marketing Effective?

Yes, video marketing is very effective!  83% of marketers believe that incorporating videos have increased the average time their visitors spend on a page. Moreover, 84% agree that videos help generate more leads than other content marketing formats, such as blogs and whitepapers.

Why Is Video Marketing Important?

Video marketing is important for your overall digital strategy success because people love to watch videos. 

On average, the US adult spends 103 minutes, or 1 hour & 43 minutes per day watching digital video on devices. 

That’s an incredible opportunity to use videos in a variety of ways and reach a diverse and engaged audience. 

Which Are Some Benefits of Video Marketing?

Video marketing can help you: 

  • Help You Establish Credibility
  • Improve Social Engagement
  • Eliminate Language Barriers
  • Improve SEO and Page Rank
  • Increase Conversions
Where To Use Video Marketing?

You can use video marketing to boost your social media channels, to introduce your brand and important topics on your website. 

You can create webinars to share educational and promotional content across multiple channels (website, social media, email newsletter, third-party platforms),  stream live videos, create animated explainer videos. 

Is Socialfix Video Marketing Agency?

Yes, we are! We have helped hundreds of businesses to develop and create their videos and kick start their successful video marketing campaigns. 

Contact us and let’s get started with your video marketing strategy! 

Are Videos Effective Way to Promote My Brand?

According to recent statistics, video is the number one content to promote your brand.  And it’s no wonder- videos are entertaining, bite-able pieces of information to find and learn from. That makes them a valuable resource for any brand to utilize. 

If videos are not yet part of your digital marketing strategy, you should think about including them today. 

Can Socialfix Help Me with Video Marketing?

Yes, we can! Tell us about your business project and we’ll help turn your message into a winning video marketing strategy! 

Can Socialfix Help Me Create Live-Action Video & Transition Animations?

Yes, we can! We’ve been producing videos for a variety of customers– from solo entrepreneurs to financial institutions and we can help your business create impactful live-action & animated videos scaled for your business.  

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