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What CEOs Can Learn From Disruption in Politics

The Socialfix Kickass Content Team

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What CEOs Can Learn From Disruption in Politics

Politics and religion can be so taboo in business discussions. However, watching the melee that has become this year’s primary election process on both sides of the political fence reminds me of why communication within our companies from top to bottom is so important in building the right framework for the next stages of growth.

The fight for a country to most effectively identify its direction through the vision of its future leaders is dependent on the active involvement and participation of every citizen.

The disruptive nature of this year’s candidates has thrown the business as usual political process into a tizzy. The fever pitch of interest and elevated turnout at the polls can be directly attributed to the fact that for the first time in a long time, the American public feels like they have a voice in where the direction of our country is headed. Whether for the disruption or against, when people feel that they have a voice they will use it, and the leaders would be wise to listen.

In our companies, we should encourage this type of disruption in all aspects of development and growth. We need to challenge the old approaches, ways of doing business and performing tasks, and utilize the unique perspectives of our best assets, our people, to help guide us leaders in making the most informed and forward thinking decisions possible. When disruptive thinking is encouraged (within the framework of a proper channel of course) our people have power that leads to a stronger more loyal core.

There are a few different ways that companies of all sizes can filter up great ideas and new processes:

  • Micro department meetings where processes are challenged and improved
  • Larger department meetings where the improvements shared are implemented or rethought.
  • Executive leader meetings generated to discuss the ramifications of status quo disruption in all departments.
  • Larger companies can benefit from having “suggestion box” email addresses internally for idea sharing.
  • Focus on growing company culture to promote the notion that every employee’s contribution brings value to the bigger picture.

Disruptive thinking exists in every business, but when utilized to the full potential these ideas can stimulate a “ business revolution” where we can unify and “make our companies great again”.

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