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11 Ways To Drive Company Growth Using Highly Creative Messaging

The Socialfix Kickass Content Team

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There is no formula to creativity, but you surely can trigger inspiration and thus add a creativity boost to your communication campaigns.

We hope that the experts’ opinions listed below will inspire you to improve and fine tune your marketing campaigns so that they are really focus on creative messaging.

Our founder and managing partner, Terry Tateossian, gives her take on the subject as well. You could read her  opinion under number 9. Make It Memorable And Engaging

(The Expert Panel was initially published at Forbes.)

Communicating it in highly creative ways is a powerful way for companies to get their message to stick in the minds of consumers. For some brands, getting creative with messaging can even help to drive company growth. How can a company’s messaging help to build that kind of synergy?

Developing messaging that will translate into company growth requires a smart approach. To help, 11 experts from Forbes Agency Council look at ways that highly creative messaging can help grow a business.

1. Embrace Dynamic Creative Optimization

Embrace dynamic creative optimization, which is an advanced capability in programmatic advertising platforms that helps companies adjust campaign creative assets in real time to those that are performing best or have the highest engagement. It allows you to incorporate several creative asset options and positively impact ROI. – Lon Otremba, Bidtellect

2. Have Fun And Humanize Your Business

Creativity often comes in the form of honesty. Having fun with your brand and humanizing your business can make both your current clients and prospective buyers feel more at ease. Encouraging your employees to be outwardly themselves helps to promote this type of landscape while also providing an effective brand marketing strategy. I can’t overemphasize the power of telling a good (true) story! – Melissa Chang, PureB2B

3. Be Willing To Take Chances

You have to be willing to take chances today to get noticed. This can be achieved by creating a product that disrupts the market; it can also be achieved by creating messaging that takes risks by challenging your competitors in an in-your-face way. Disruptive marketing and disruptive products are in natural alignment, and together, they send a signal that you can be trusted to back up your words with deeds. – Scott Baradell, Idea Grove

4. Make Sure It’s Authentic

It’s only powerful if it’s authentic. So the way to ensure that it is most powerful is to make sure the rest of the story you’re telling is in line with the creative messaging. Taking it one step further, messaging needs to align with your place in the world too. You wouldn’t like to see a bank marketed as if it were a fast-food restaurant or vice versa. – Christine Wetzler, Pietryla PR

5. Elicit Responses With Emotions

There’s a simple science to the art of messaging: Emotions elicit responses. Creativity is a shortcut into the hearts and minds of consumers and the silver bullet to reaching new audiences quickly. If you want to grow, first determine how you want someone to feel, then channel that emotion into your brand’s creative messaging. Just make sure you strike the right tone. – Russ Williams, Archer Malmo

6. Challenge The Customer’s Assumptions

Creative messaging can be an effective way to change the perception of a product or service by challenging the customer’s assumptions about it. Ads that creatively expand a customer’s idea of what a product can do or who it can benefit are likely to make a lasting impression. – Hannah Trivette, NUVEW Web Solutions

7. Be Brave And Ground It In Research

In addition to being grounded in research, for highly creative messaging to be successful, the brands behind it must be brave. It is rarely creativity that prevents growth, but rather an unwillingness to stand out from the crowd. Just remember that it’s safe to be bold when you’re confident that your creative messaging is grounded in a thorough understanding of your customers’ journey with your brand. – Mary Ann O’Brien, OBI Creative

8. Focus On The Right Objectives

Successful creative messaging focuses on the right objectives, which creates content that empathizes with your audience’s needs and pains. I recommend using the power of visual storytelling and publishing your content in the channels your audience interacts with and uses often. This ensures that, no matter how you scale your content, you’ll be reaching the right people. – Nolin LeChasseur, Brainrider

9. Make It Memorable And Engaging

First of all, creative messaging should be memorable. Second, it should be engaging. Pair the two together with a targeted audience, and you start to establish a brand persona that is hard to resist. I mean, why wouldn’t you want to engage with a brand that speaks to your soul, solves your challenges and makes you smile all at the same time? – Terry Tateossian, Socialfix Media

10. Tap Into People’s Motivations

Great creative messaging taps into a person’s motivation. It strikes a balance between logic and emotion. The most persuasive creative messaging does not inform a person about what a product does. It shows the person what the product can mean to them. – Roger Hurni, Off Madison Ave

11. Leverage Instagram And TikTok

Companies such as Slim Jim and Chipotle effectively use platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to connect with their target market. They do so by having a laser-targeted brand voice that speaks to their consumers’ wants, needs and sense of humor. Using memes and slang that relate to their demographic allows them to create a bigger impact with the content they distribute. – Alex Quin, UADV

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