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SocialFix rides on the 78th Annual “Walk To Washington”

The Socialfix Kickass Content Team

Written by The Socialfix Kickass Content Team

Home / Business / SocialFix rides on the 78th Annual “Walk To Washington”

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Ken Krysinski one of our partners recently had the pleasure of riding on the train ride from Newark, NJ to Washington, D.C. along with 600 New Jersey legislators, lobbyists and business leaders for the 78th annual “Walk To Washington”. The event in D.C. was emceed by none other than NJ’s own governor Chris Christie.

Ken had this to say about the experience: “It was a great experience to be around such a diverse group of NJ based business owners and politicians. The opportunity to connect with so many people over the course of a train ride is truly a unique experience not to be missed and I would definitely do it again.”

We can’t wait for what next year brings for Socialfix on the 79th “Walk To Washington”.

Ken with Vince Cirianni (The Approach) and Lissa Jean Ferrell (LJF Consulting)

Ken with Vince Cirianni (The Approach)and Linda Wellbrock (Leading Women Entrepreneurs)

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